Wendy's "basic Mike" (2019) :30 (USA)

Pretty straightforward fast food ad. Little bit of joke, then the bite and smile and offer. Much like the promotion, this ad is only interesting for a limited time.


Client: Wendy’s


Agency: VML

Global, Chief Creative Officer: John Godsey

Executive Creative Director: Derek Clark

Creative Director: McKay Hathaway

Associate Creative Director: Jennifer Farquharson

Associate Creative Director: Eamon Conway

Senior Producer: Michael Kinney


Production: Dummy

Director: Harold Einstein

Producer: Michael Kanter


Telecine Company: a52


VFX & Postproduction Company: Timber

Creative Directors/Partners: Jonah Hall & Kevin Lau

Executive Producer: Sabrina Elizondo

Flame Artists: Miles Kinghorn, Chris DeCristo

Flame Assists: Sarah Vigil-Bass, Alice Cen

Producer: Jillian Lynes

Production Coordinator: Brian Keegan


Editorial: Arcade Edit

Editor: Sean Lagrange

Assistant Editors: Paulo Miramontes, Josh Miller

Executive Producer: Crissy DeSimone

Producer: Alexa Atkin

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This is tremendously forgettable.