Wieden + Kennedy's "Best job" is the best job says the big fat Emmy award it just received

Wieden + Kennedy's Portland office just won an Emmy award for Procter & Gamble's emotional mom-centered Olympic spot "Best Job" created out of Anonymous Content and directed by Alejandro Gonzalez-Inarritu. Weiden was also nominated for Chrysler's "Halftime in America" starring Clint Eastwood riffing off Reagan, directed by Chelsea Pictures' David Gordon Green.

In this tweet we can see someone picking it up too.

Here's the spot, one more time. KLEENEX WARNING!

P&G Celebrate Moms - Best Job - London Olympics 2012 - 2:00src="adland.tv/g-celebrate-moms-best-job-london-olympics-2012-200">"Best Job" created out of Anonymous Content and directed by Alejandro Gonzalez-Inarritu. Weiden was also nominated for Chrysler's "Halftime in America" starring Clint Eastwood riffing off Reagan, directed by Chelsea Pictures' David Gordon Green.

In this tweet we can see someone picking it up too.

Here's the spot, one more time. KLEENEX WARNING!

P&G Celebrate Moms - Best Job - London Olympics 2012 - 2:00

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One of the greatest works of the year.