Workday - Rockstar (2023) :60 (USA)

Ozzy Osbourne, Paul Stanley, Joan Jett, Sting, and Gary Clark Jr take on corporate who use the term "rock star" way over their limit - as what they do is not what Rock Stars do. It's kind of funny, and gets the point across about Workday software. And, it peeves real Rock Stars.

The "Rock Star" commercial reminds viewers what true rock star antics look like, with Clark Jr. demonstrating the commitment required to shred a guitar lick, Jett reminding viewers she's been touring since she was 16, Idol recounting the determination required to trash hotel rooms in 43 countries, and Osbourne recalling the complete lack of business synergy that led him to do his fair share of "bad things."

"Back in the day, we were wreaking havoc in every town, not managing processes through 'real time reporting and analytics,'" said rock icon Osbourne. "In fact, I don't even know what that means. Real rock stars don't 'circle back,' or 'take it offline,' and we sure don't send 'friendly reminders.' Really mate, I'm happy Workday makes your job easier, and I bet your boss even likes you more. I've got to say, the thought of making a boss happy really annoys me…"

"We're frustrated that a corporation like Workday is committed to turning normal people into rock stars," Idol said. "We understand that its enterprise cloud applications help customers deliver value fast, but Workday clearly doesn't grasp the knock-on effects of its success on the Rock & Roll community. Just because anyone can be called a rock star, doesn't mean they deserve the moniker. At the end of the day, Workday's customers shouldn't receive a larger standing ovation than we ever did."

Client: Workday
Ad agency: Ogilvy

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Robbotman's picture

I like this one, but then I am a sucker for real rockstars and I really really hate that expression with a passion. A homerun for me.

Kissmekatey's picture

Yes to this one.