WSIB: There really are no accidents

The Ontario (Canada) Workplace Safety and Insurance Board is running a very strong campaign to get the message of workplace safety across. You can view the two latest spots (Retail and Factory) that are running on TV at the WSIB website. The ad is quite graphic. It starts off easy, with a pretty woman stating that she's the sous chef in the kitchen she's in, while she tells you of her plans of becoming head chef. She shows off her engagement ring before getting a pot of boiling water, "I have a great fiancé whom I won't be marrying this weekend because I'm about to be in a terrible (finger quotes) accident".

There really are no accidents
Did it really have to happen? The WSIB sets the record straight on prevention with our latest and most dramatic campaign ever. Check out

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Two new TV ads (Family Man and The Chef) are on the website, and are much more harder hitting than the previous ones.

Print ads are also available for viewing on the site.

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Last year's "Shopgirl" spot is here in the commercial archive.