The 2022 PHNX Awards lift off

In 2020, AdForum launched the PHNX Awards as a way of supporting our industry and proving that nothing can keep creativity down. Originally a one-off award, its success has led to the founding of a new player in the global awards landscape.

As in previous editions, the PHNX will bring together a diverse jury of creatives, marketers, journalists, strategists, agency leaders and consultants – the only jury of its kind.

To make sure the PHNX is as accessible as possible, initial entry is free, with a subsequent fee of 150 euros per entry (170$) ONLY if the work is shortlisted. This is designed to keep things fair while covering costs.

Entries will be open from February 1 to May 1 and the shortlist will be published on May 16. The grand jury will then vote on the Gold, Silver, Bronze and Grand Prix candidates. Winners will be honored during an online celebration on June 16.

As always, our aim is to celebrate the people behind the great work. We are calling on agencies, freelancers, brands and production companies to enter a carefully curated selection of 25 categories, with a focus on craft.

Philippe Paget, AdForum CEO and founder of the PHNX said: “Since the very first PHNX experiment, we have seen that there is a place in the world for a highly accessible competition judged by a different kind of jury – a jury drawn from every corner of our industry. The standard of entries is always outstanding, and it gives me great pleasure to see the PHNX fly again.”

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Steve Ratti's picture

I'll be judging Best use of Music in Film, Best Copywriting & Storytelling in Strategy, Best Awareness in Strategy and Best Brand Identity in Design so get those entries in!!

Dabitch's picture

Nice. :)