32 Million Years in the Making

In Stockholm, Åkestam Holst's Mark Ardelius, Jesper Holst, and Johan Baettig created this spot as part of a series for ATG (Swedish Horseracing). The commercial was produced by Camp David, directed by Adam Berg (former Stink) and shot by Mattias Montero (Bronze Lion 06 for Toyota with agency Hakuhodo) on location in N.Z. The campaign website www.foratthastargerallt.se is nominated S.O.T.D at FWA. Read on to see the print ads.

Headline: One horsepower can give the ride of your life.

Headline: 2 millimeters can be worth 20 million

Headline: 0-100,000 in 118 seconds

Headline: 32 million years in the making. One moment of outburst.

Print Credits:
Agency: Åkestam Holst, Stockholm, Sweden
Agency website address: www.akestamholst.se
Art director: Jesper Holst, Johan Baettig
Copywriter: Mark Ardelius
Photographer: Klaus Thymann
Post Production: Cabbe / Touchme
Location: Solvalla Racing Track, Stockholm

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