Ad creep = ads actually creeping up on you.

Well, it's not like we haven't known here in adland where we were headed, already back in 2001 there was a poster-campaign in New York that beamed restaurant guides to peoples palmpilots via infrared, and everyone knew that GPS and SMS would make phones the ultimate targeted ad media eventually. (You can read the very paranoid Resumé article I wrote about those infrared beams back in 2001 if you can read Swedish)

Turns out Paris, France is now testing that SMS ad trick, IHT: " Where to draw line when street ads give you a ring". JCDecaux isays:

"We are switching from a one-time active response to the user's blanket acceptance of many digital messages," he said. "We will, of course, need to be careful in making certain that users get only advertisements that interest them."

Via newspaperindex

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