Ad guy went viral... Rodgers Towsend - Ad Guy

Ad guy - a link that dropped into my mailbox a few hundred times before christmas went viral.
(I was as I announced on the page, in hospital for surgery at the time, so submitting the link to this here page instead would have made the news available to others than just me, learn how to use the submit button on the left there kids, it's fun, it's friendly, and it's darn practical! :-))

Ad guy was created by Rodgers Townsend in St. Louis. Spoofing kids action figures commercials, Ad Guy action figures come in four types: Andy, the art director; Marc with a "C," the copywriter; Raoul, the creative director; and Kimmy Wong, the account girl.

Townsend shot the ad in his home using his kids for actors, the budgets reached a whopping 400 USD, "We spent a lot less on it than we would have spent on a regular holiday card," he said. "And we had a blast making it."

Ad Guy drew 10,000 in the first two weeks and "unexpectidly" went viral (Like agency films around Xmas tend to do..)
Rodgers Townsend is a 50-person shop with billings of $70 million. Ad Guy's success also has helped the agency demonstrate that so-called viral marketing is more than just a buzz phrase, Townsend said.

"What we've been able to do is say, 'See, it really does work, and it works that quickly if you have the right idea,'" he said.

Watch the kids have a blast - and notice that the client is not included. ;-)

Ad guy - The movie - at Townsheads site

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