Adland Memes: Choirs

In addition to Badland's ads of synchronized ideas, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at advertising memes. They do seem to come in groups. Most recently- within the last few months, Choirs seem to be a hot commodity in the idea factories of ad agencies around the globe.

Superadgrunts, read more to check out the spots.

118008 - La Chorale (France):

Stella Artois - Choir (UK):


118118 (Spoof):

Cingular Go Phone:

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Plywood's picture

Don't forget Taxi Toronto's current Rickards Red guy-orders-beer-then-a-choir-appears-out-of-nowhere-and-sings-O' Fortuna-with-new-lyrics-undecipherably-in-the-background-while-the-beer-pours spots.