Gushers...Apparently Good for Karate

Gushers are always packing a punch, but it's never been this strong. Maybe this weird, but never this strong.

It's a boy and a girl. They're facing off in karate class. They do one move each, then the girl whips out some colored candy. She pops one into her mouth and she has the oddest reaction. Her head transforms into an orange. After her, the camera pans over to the boy, who eats one of the candies too. His head suddenly lengthens and becomes...a watermelon! Then they start to face off. Meanwhile, the announcer tells how Fruit Gushers have a burst of fruity flavor. At the end, the boy and girl boy bow to each other, hit their enormous fruit heads together, and fall over in a daze. Fruit Gushers have always had the head transformation theme in their commercials. The oldest one, to my recollection, was the continuing footage of kids changing from human to fruit; The Magic Gushers that turned heads into bunnies or made them disappear completely; And the photo booth, where three teens went got their pictures taken, while almost tipping the booth over with the weight of their new fruit heads. I never see these commercials as having a point, but you know, that's just my opinion.

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