The BAM Connection TikTok Video“GenZ Workplace Translations” Tops 4 Million Views

In the face of potential legislative changes to TikTok, The BAM Connection, the Brooklyn-based creative agency, has emerged as a beacon of success on the platform with their latest video - “GenZ workplace translations” garnering over 4 million views in just 2 weeks, as well as nearly 400,000 likes, 37,000 shares and over 750 comments. This isn’t the first time the agency, led by industry veterans Maureen Maldari and Rob Baiocco, has garnered viral attention. Other successful viral TikTok videos from the agency include “Gen Z vs. Gen X” (1.2 million views) and “Office Gossip” (654K).

As TikTok faces an uncertain future with Congress's latest move, The BAM Connection's achievements highlight the platform's untapped potential for brands targeting Gen X, millennials, and Gen Z demographics. Their approach to internal branding with the same rigor as client work has paid dividends, creating a social media presence that resonates across LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok.

BAM treats its business philosophy of 'Success without the BS' seriously and ensures its social voice is heard loud and clear. The agency’s content is tailored for every audience segment, from clients to industry peers.

The agency's strategy on TikTok has fostered a vibrant culture, encouraging contributions from employees of all ages. For BAM, TikTok isn't just a sales tool, it's a window into the agency's soul, showcasing its team and work ethos.

“The heightened level of creativity is contagious when an idea is discussed or a camera starts rolling,” Baiocco adds. “TikTok is an opportunity to showcase the agency, the employees, and what we’re like to work with and for. We’re not selling ourselves, we’re showcasing ourselves.”

What advice for businesses looking to replicate their success on TikTok does Baiocco offer?

  • Engage with broader cultural trends and moments that resonate with TikTok's audience.
  • Use TikTok to showcase your company's fun side, leaving sales pitches for more formal platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Take social media seriously by forming a dedicated team to track trends, plan posts, and monitor progress.
  • Be bold and experimental, using the platform to test what content resonates best.
  • Commit to learning and being amazed by the platform's capabilities and surprises.
  • Follow the data to refine your message and strategy continually.
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