Belgian Natural Gas - Making of the knitted advert

The Natural Gas advert with the growing wolly knitted stuff really had me wondering how on earth did they do that. I know I know, stop motion, but still. Here's "the making of" answering my question.

An ad campaign completely knitted.
“How to make the invisible visible?” That was the question we asked ourselves when we were conceiving the new ad campaign for Natural Gas, our new client.
Based on the client brief, the idea of “the softest of warmth’s” quickly became obvious. Now we just had to find a way to make this visible and touchable.
We decided to materialize the softest of warmth’s delivered by Natural Gas, by a very natural and soft fabric: wool.
The 35” film tells a very simple story: it shows the moment early in the morning, where a cold house starts to warm up and this way bringing comfort to its inhabitants. The soft warmth spreads around the house and hence we see wool being spread around pipes, radiators, floors, stairs, walls and other objects. Even the hot water is transformed into soft and silky wool.
The film was produced in “stop motion”: all elements were completely covered in wool and then deconstructed (de-knitted ?) to be filmed image by image.
The result is quite surprising, even poetic. And the feeling of softness and warmth of Natural Gas is very well present.
Two product ads complete the picture. The first one showing water coming out of a shower head, the second one showing a radiator warming up a family’s set of boots. All of this in wool of course.

Client: Aardgas (KVBG) – Gaz Naturel (ARGB)
Contact: An De Backer – Isabelle Borremans
Agency: TBWA\Brussels
CD: Jan Macken
Creation: Michael Mikiels – Eric Maerschalck
Account: Christine Robie
TV Producer: Mieke Vandewalle – Laurent Van Ausloos
Production Company: Lovo
Director: Olivier Babinet
Producer: Bert Brulez
D.O.P.: Frank Van den Eeden
Music: Etienne Charry
Media: Tv, Youtube, Print

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