Bench/ "So In Love / How long can you keep a secret? (2018) :60 (The Philippines)

"How long can you keep a secret?" asks this Filipino ad that tells the short story of young love and scents. This scent is actually called "So in love", and as soon as the father lets his baseball-capped son J.R. off at school, he turns into an instant diva diving into a cloud of this perfume. Our hero soon grabs the attention of the handsome boy at school, who compliments how good J.R. smells, to various sassy comebacks. Each evening dad asks if J.R. has a girlfriend, and each evening he denies it. J.R. breaks the fourth wall with a look that says: "Clueless dads, amirite?"
There's a twist at the end, to remind kids parent's aren't as clueless as you think, and it's all a rather upbeat cute story. The twist with the product is that "So in love" isn't created as a male or female fragrance, it's for anyone who likes it.

Client: Bench

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