British Airways "English to English" dictionary.

BA has done all Americans a favor and created an "English to English" dictionary so that US tourists in London can confidently ask for the "loo" (restroom), the "lift" (elevator), the "blower" (telephone) or the "bin" (trash can). This way US tourists will have a smashing time in the UK as long as their name isn't Randy. ;)
The dictionary can be found online in flash format at, created by NYC and is also the basis of a poster campaign currently running in New York. I reckon that anglophiles are going to love this one.

M&C Saatchi New York collaborated with Optimedia New York to create the outdoor campaign that positions the British words near a place associated with the word. For example, Shout, to offer to buy someone a drink, will be placed on coasters in bars.

"Nearly 1.5 billion people on the planet speak some version of English - but the version of English used in the UK does take a bit of getting used to," said Robin Hayes, executive vice president, British Airways, The Americas.

a few examples;

Kip in London, is a nap. As in, "Let's get a quick kip in before we go to dinner."
Laughing gear in London, means mouth. When you hand someone a drink, you'd say "Wrap your laughing gear around this, mate!"
Half-four in London, means four-thirty. As in, "Let's meet back at the Tate Gallery at half-four."
Dosh cash. As in: "Pick up some dosh and meet us at the pub."
Tinkle a telephone call. As in: "Don't forget to give mum a tinkle on Mother's Day."

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