Chevy Cobalt - Ball Two (2005) 0:30 (USA)

Chevy Cobalt

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Allan1's picture

Really glad to hear the Yardbirds ("Over, Under, Sideways, Down") being used for this ad.

Very strange sensation to hear all these old, anti-establishment songs being recycled to sell. (And before anyone complains that I call them old songs - I remember when they were new. Hell, I remember when Clapton was in the Yardbirds along with Jeff Beck, before Jimmy Page joined the group).

Is anyone bothered by this use of these old songs - or are you just groovin on hearing them again.... :-)

Dabitch's picture

I'm a bit torn. When I was younger it would bother me a lot. Now, I'm thinking "yeah, but where else are they gonna find a good song?" ;))