Citroën “Dominoes” (2011) :40 (France)

Citroën “Dominoes” - the latest from Psyop for Citroën via Agence H, Paris.  

Psyop creates an elegant and poetic world made up of dominoes for Citroën. Each domino is a little world all on its own, a little microcosm with its own weather and topology, each linked to the next by the road and Citroën traveling upon it.

Agency: Agence H, Paris
Executive Creative Director: Gilbert Scher
Creative Director: Marco Venturelli, Luca Cinquepalmi
Executive Producer: Christopher Thierry
Producer: Eric Britton

Director: Psyop
Production Company: Psyop @ Quad, France
Psyop Creative Director: Laurent Ledru
Live Action Producer: Martin Coulais, François Lamotte
Director of Photography: Alex Lamarque
Executive Producer: Kim Wildenburg

Visual Effects and Animation: Psyop
Creative Director: Laurent Ledru
Producer: Blythe Dalton
Associate Producer: Minh Ly
VFX Supervisor: Chris Sage
Designers: Paul Cayrol, Georgia Tribuiani, Kenesha Sneed
Storyboard Artists: Joshua Wiesenfeld, Philippe Collange, Charles Ratteray
Editor: Brett Nicoletti
Matte Painters: Brendon Kachel, Andrew Park, Matt Conway, Eric Mattson
Lead Flame: Alex Kolasinski
Flame: Jodi Tyne, John Shirley, David Parker
Lead Desktop Compositor: Lori Miller
Compositors: Lane Jolly, Ryan Raith
Previz: Gregg Lukomski (Halon)
3D Lead: Chris Sage
Modelers: Wendy Klein, Julian Fitzgerald, Freddy Oropreza, Andrew Romatz
Rigger: Sean Kealey
Animators: Freddy Oropeza, Greg Gangemi, Matt Connoly, Yvain Gnabro, Yuchiro Yamashita
Lighter: Greg Gangemi
Roto: Krystal Chinn, Stephen Hollbrook
Trackers: Mark Lipsmeyer
Particles: John Sparks, Brian Alvarez, Wayne Hollingsworth

Editorial Company: Wizz France

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