Coca Cola - Young Man - (2008) :90 (Spain)

McCann-Erickson, Madrid has done quite the homage to the baby boom generation, remaking the eighties sound and style to exclaim "CHAVAL" (young man? Lad?) in a generation X Coke anthem. The finale is pure gold.

Ad agency: McCann-Erickson, Madrid
Leandro Raposo, Executive Creative Director
Pablo Striker, Executive Creative Director
Pablo Colonesse, Executive Creative Director
Mónica Moro, Executive Creative Director
Raquel Mart"nez, Creative Director/ art director
Mónica Moro, Copywriter
Luis Felipe Moreno, Agency Executive Producer
Director: Doble Nelson
Production Company: Toma 78 / Lee Films , Spain
Agency Producer: Mart"n Beilin
Producers: Barbara Muschietti and Ivan Fernandez
DoP: Angel Iguacel
Post Production: Infinia/Miop"a
Music: Piccolini

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Robblink's picture

Yeah! It does sound like Gold!

Neaner's picture

They got me.

Dabitch's picture

The sendup of the eighties videos and music is perfect. :) I do wonder what chavas really means? Lad? Young man? Any spanish speakers able to help me out here?

Neo's picture

I love the bar suddenly turning into a Wham concert. Gold indeed.

stacyhall's picture

I love the sentiment... I'm thinking they couldn't do this convincingly in the US because our "Pepsi Generation" couldn't fit back into those skinny jeans.