Google to advertise on the moon

You know it's April 1st when you read a story abut *any* brand branding the Moon.

Google plans to brand its logo into the surface of the moon so that it is visible from Earth. The search giant will pay the US government an estimated $1bn for the rights to the lunar land. "You've heard of Google Mars and Google Earth, where we show you maps of those planets? Well this is Google Moon, where we become the world's biggest brand," said an unnamed source at the company.

Yeah, right. It's going to be carved into the cheesy surface too huh? If this is VNUNET's April Fool's, maybe they need to spend some time next year coming up with an original idea. Related though, Google "launched" Google Romance. Now that is a bit more original.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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LPikon's picture

Hmmm, it reminds of another recent one regarding the Apple I-pod ad / billboard that's supposed to have been being constructed in Australia, and will be able to be seen from space (and via Google Earth) - I've not seen anyone own up yet, but I always thought that was another April Fools Day gag, based upon a completely coincidental piece of human engineering.
Go to,121.336956&spn=0.051463,0.080509

or read some discussions about it here:

Dabitch's picture

Moon ads when it wasn't April fools:
New York Post from Post House: October 14, 2004
Ads in space - revisited.: March 13, 2004

philmang's picture

google romance is really funny -- i like the "i'm feeling lucky" button option...

Dabitch's picture

Shouldn't it be "I wanna get lucky"? ;)