Criticize their advertising? Get sued!

The Boston Globe among others is reporting that Lance Dutson, blog writer at Maine Web Report is being sued by New York advertising agency Warren Kremer Paino Advertising for libel, defamation and copyright infringement.
Dutson posted critical comments about the tourism office's Web marketing strategies developed by the agency.

The suit claims that Dutson's blog contains defamatory statements that hurt the ad agency's reputation and its business. The agency also says it owns the copyright to certain images Dutson uses in his blog and is asking for $150,000 in damages for each work the agency said Dutson infringed.

Dutson, who runs a Web page design company, says he is being targeted simply because he's been critical of the campaign.

"It's the latest in this battle between the whole First Amendment thing and new media," Dutson said.

A Portland lawyer who represents Warner Kremer Paino said the suit isn't about Dutson's criticism.

"Our issue is that Mr. Dutson has infringed our client's copyrights and has committed defamation and trade libel by stating facts that are inaccurate," said Stephen Wilson.

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Dabitch's picture

IANAL - but I don't see how they can get a libel suit out of it ...And as for copyright infringement Lance might be able to say he was reposting the ad (fair use) for review purposes as he was reviewing it....

MaryWills's picture
Dabitch's picture

"Our message is simple: 'Don't Mess with the Bloggers'""