Firefox Flicks Announces Winners

Last night at the San Francisco International Film Festival, the folks at Mozilla announced the winners for their FireFox Flicks Contest, which received nearly 300 submissions from around the world. All winners will be used in Mozilla's 2006 marketing activities.

The grand prize went to "Daredevil" created by Pete Macomber of Venice, CA, who creates music videos, commercials and screenplays. His spot will be short-listed for the NY Festival of Advertising's 2006 International Advertising Awards in May.

Second place went to "Wheee!" by Jeff Gill

Third Place went to "Fox Fever" by Andrew N. Green

Honorable Mentions went to "This is Hot" by Danny Robashkin and "Give Me the Soap" by Chris Wedding

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Dabitch's picture

I was rooting for "weeeeee!". It's just so darn funny.

caffeinegoddess's picture