Anti Drug PSA - "Stop the madness!" music video (1985)

In an effort to scare all you drunken ad-folk straight here's an early eighties anti-drug video.

If the talking Hasselhoff poster doesn't get to you I don't know what will. ;)

principal talents : New Edition, LaToya Jackson, (a very young) Whitney Houston, Nancy Reagan, David Hasselhoff, Kim Fields, Herb Alpert, Casey Kasem, Arnold Schwarzenegger -- many others.

With special guest appearance by Boogaloo Shrimp from Breakin' and Breakin' 2.

(Spot the young Whitney in there - ironic isn't it?)

production: E.I.C

Executive producers: Brian L. Dyyak
William N. Utz

Created by: Tim Reid

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

That looks totally awesome, especially the manic monkey, I think I'm going to do some drugs right now.

I don't understand, however, why the boy had to throw his shirt and jacket away.

Dabitch's picture

That monkey had the same effect on me. He's like yeeeah! More morfine!

caffeinegoddess's picture

Is that a young Whitney Housten? Oh the irony!!

Green gel they used on the trash bin when she throws away her drugs is amusing too!

Plywood's picture

This is amazing...
And ohhhhh, the delicious irony of Whitney Houston being in the video...