The Mummy in Badland - UPC vs some Egyptian rent-a-car

Here's a Badlander sure to amuse, and horrify, all ye adgrunts out there.

No, not because there's a scary mummy in the ad, and not even because the mummy in the ad is played by one of the adgrunts here who did the ad - but because there's been yet another a case of recycling the ad image, not approved by anyone.

Certainly not the model and photographer and creator of the original ad, my former partner Maxim van Wijk also known as adgrunt HaHaSoup. 

Original ad (above): Shot in Egypt, starring adgrunt Maxim as the mummy.
Might as well model for your own ad when you're hidden in toilet paper anyway.

Copy (below): spotted in Egypt by a colleague on holiday in Egypt who was armed with a phone-camera.

Take that copy-catters!

We've got spies all around the globe!

Tssk tssk. Someone needs to fork out some dough to the photographer here. That's clear copyright infringement. 

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Neaner's picture

I hope the photographer sent AutoMotowhatsit a giant bill.

HaHaSoup's picture

Hey, I know that guy...

Dabitch's picture

But his handsome face is all obscured! ;P