The Super Hero angle getting a bit tired, be an adgrunt super hero, use another idea.

Have no fear, Dabitch is here!


Seems there's an interesting trend in making people super heroes these days. You're a hero for turning off the water, or turning off the power. You're a local hero if you volunteer to help others like in this incredibly cheap (50 quid!) Scottish campaign. You are a hero if you water your lawn at the right times, say the WWF via Ogilvy in South africa (they also did the stickers campaign linked earlier).


And now, via BBDO for United Way of Chicago, you are a hero for volunteering your time again.


The super hero thing is kinda getting too much play these days innit? If you get one of those ideas, consider another route. You're never going to be able to do it cheaper than that Scottish campaign anyway, so don't even try. ;)



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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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purplesimon's picture

There's an ad that's run on London Underground every summer that uses a super hero. It's for Heatbusters, a company selling/leasing air conditioning units.

What next: you're a hero for killing the idiots that seem to believe they can walk about while reading/texting/using a Blackberry.

Okay, that's just my kind of superhero :)

Dabitch's picture

You don't need to kill them, a strategically placed object or leg will snap them out of the habit as fast as they hit the pavement nose first. Use an umbrella.

Neaner's picture

I've seen so many super hero ideas recently it makes me gag.

RLDavies's picture

I remember the Heatbusters superhero ads on the Underground, back as far as the 1990s when I was still commuting on the Tube every day. You mean they're still running? Must be getting awfully old by now.

Neaner's picture

You forgot the super heroes dying of AIDS campaign. Not that it's similar to these in any way, I just wanted to say something. ;)