Vegemite - Concensus (how do you eat your Vegemite?) - (2008) :30 (Australia)

Vegemite wants to know how you eat your vegemite. Are you a wormer, a streaker or a tiger striper? All non-aussies who say "eew, yuck, vegemite!?" need not apply. ;) actually, it’s pretty tasty. I'm a streaker.
Agency: JWT Melbourne

Edit July 29 for those who can’t view the ad - please see site:

Agency: JWT Melbourne
Richard Muntz, Executive Creative Director
Jason Ryan, Art Director
Keith Nicolas, Art Director
Scott Glennon, Copywriter
Pip Heming, Agency Producer
Director: Matt Kamen
Production Company: The Guild

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Maggy May's picture

I love my vegemite smeared on a piece of steak or chop and fried in a pan or on the BBQ. Try it - enhances the taste enormously and my family just love it!!

alex's picture

Yes, I'm a streaker too. But Marmite, not that inferior version.

Lydiah's picture

Has anyone tried Vegemite in Chicken Noodle soup, its yummy. I also like to spot my vegemite on my toast.
If you are making a stir fry try a little vegemite as it adds the salt flavour without over powering the other ingrediants. Yummy

chantillylace's picture

1. I love megemite on hot toast with plenty of butter.
2. On fresh buttered bread.
3. 2 slices of buttered bread with tomato, kraft cheddar cheese, vegemite and lettuce
4. On buttered sao's
5. Vita-weats crackers with butterand Vegemite and lots of it and squeeze the worms and licking them off
6. In stews
7. meat patties
8. I also want to say that Marmite is so not in the same league as Vegemite.

I was brought up on vegemite and my three children all love it, now my grandchildren are loving it also (they are aged 3 years old and 10 months old ) so the Aussie tradition continues.

There will always be a jar of vegemite in my cupboard.

When my sister was touring around the world her survival aussie kit of course contained a jar of Vegemite

Mystik7's picture

I like to get lots of butter and vegemite on my sandwich or toast and smear it all together til it becomes a brown paste. I can't eat it any other way.

Yvonne Dudfield's picture

Buttered toast with vegemite and a poached egg. Yummy.

gmc1970's picture

I love my vegemite on toast with cheese and garlic salt.
With toast and boiled eggs.....dip vegemite toast in soft boiled egg.
And as a sandwich with vegemite and lettuce.

Hmm, eating vegemite on crumpets right now.

helena's picture

We love butter,vegemite, peanut butter and marmalade on toast..try it...we dare's surprisingly yummy.

mammabear70's picture

i love my vegemite on my crumpets.

purplesimon's picture

Stop with the vegemite recipes, etc - what about the f*&king ad!?


Dabitch's picture

Sometimes this happens with odd ads, people sign up just to answer the question or make a comment about the topic (not the ad). Since all of these folks are fresh brand new adgrunts, and not upgraded ones, they haven't seen the commercial here and may not know to direct their answers to (the URL in the ad). Added that link to the post now.

willum's picture


I have Vegemite thickly spread to the corners of the bread. Take one bite of the bread and one bite of a banana!
Cant beat the taste it's tops!! Vegemite, eat it thick!!!

Big G's picture

I eat my vegemite on hot buttered toast with honey or just licking it off a spoon in fact any way is fine with me, as long as i have it Im a happy little vegemite lol

lladnyl's picture

On toast, must be thick toast with the butter melted on it. Also on a sandwich, with cheese and finely grated onion, then nuked in the microwave. I am also a wormer, but it has to be together with honey. And when I'm not feeling too well, then a spoon in the bottom of a mug of tomato soup. Most ways are great.

mjmacca's picture

I like my vegemite thickly spread on English Muffins with lots of butter topped off with hot tinned spagheti poured over the top. Yunmo!!!! Sounds yuck but believe me it is delish!!!!!!!!!!!

Dabitch's picture

Ugh, vegemite spooned into tomato soup? That really sounds quite yucky. (Not a fan of tomato soup)

katiemum's picture

I have vegemite on toast, that is juuuuust browning, lightly spread just evenly......On hot english muffins on the other hand, i eat it thick so that it burns the roof of my mouth....YUUUUUUMMMM

Me niece eats it on pancakes

My friend eats it on fried egg

katiemum's picture

Opps, hahahaha, i just read your post about the whole cencus and ad mix up because people like me obviously dont read things properly......ok, am i surpose to say something about the ad then? Well, i think the ad is, ummmmm, i dont know what to say, so im just going to quietly pop out of here and go to the other site......sorry.......hehehe

Dabitch's picture

Well, it just goes to show ya that the ad is effective - since everyone is answering the ads question! ;P

purplesimon's picture

Oh well, it was like asking for the moon!

AnonymousCoward's picture

I eat my Vegemite in a way that a lot call weird. I can either eat my Vegemite on pancakes with a bit of butter or on toast. When you cook the toast you put it in the griller and you only toast one side then you take it out and put butter on the toasted side then Vegemite on the butter then you roll it up. When you roll it up though make sure that the non-toasted side is on the outside. YUMMMMMMMMMMM (put heeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaps of Vegemite on the toast) :) ;) <3 xxx