Morrie Yohai - creator of Cheez Doodles r.i.p. full page ad in New York post

Oh how sad. The Cheez Doodles man Morrie Yohai is dead. Mark Wnek tweeted : "Love this ad by the Wise food co in today's NYPost". Yup, that's pretty classic.
We're a big fan of Cheez Doodles here at adland, we even export the superior Swedish brand to Clay who lives where there are no Cheez Doodles at all - because we can't have that, now can we?

Yohai developed the snack in the 1950s for Old London Foods, based in New York City. The company founded by his father already was selling Dipsy Doodles rippled corn chips, which were made with a machine that spit them out under pressure.
His son Robbie Yohai said his father applied a similar concept for Cheez Doodles, adapting the machine to extrude liquefied cornmeal into a tubular shape. The shapes were then coated with seasoning and cheese.

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Dabitch's picture

I'm sorry I had to be the one to break it to ya, mate.