Bar da Boa Tattoo

Bar da Boa beer invites you to see your name as a (ALERT WE HAVE REMOVED THE URL THIS IS AN OLD POST) tattoo on a Brazilian hottie.

Can't read Portuguese? Don't worry.

1) Just fill the first line with your first name.
2) Enter your last name in the second field.
3) Click on 'Visualizar' on the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

* Update: please note that the website closed down years ago and this is old news.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Pawel's picture

Wery funny

mahomed's picture

how do i get to the site

Gorka's picture


silvertrack's picture


John capaldo's picture

Tattoo beer ad

dsw's picture


AnonymousCoward's picture

the link doesn't work for me.

kidsleepy's picture

I guess because it's a five year old story....

terry mason's picture

love the add have seen it once before

mahomed's picture

how do i print name in blank column
how do i get to the site where i print name on girls shoulder

Lordinos's picture


NIKOS's picture


Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
