Suicide by car: now clean emissions Hyundai join Citroën & Audi in Badland

Remember Audi A5 Suicide vs Citroën Suicide by car: Carbon monoxide poisoning isn't what it used to be? Well it still isn't what it used to be, or perhaps this gag is becoming so common this is the new normal - everyone with clean emission cars fail at suicide.

Updates! one more suicide by car - this idea was done as far back as 1997, but wait! There's MORE Suicide by car ad idea officially older than dirt!

You see the first ad we have here in the archive using the suicide angle is from 2002 directed by Brian Baderman.

Citroen - Suicide - (2002) :45 (UK)

Then, in 2009 someone somewhere (it's a secret who) made a Spec ad that infuriated Audi, even though it showed their car as a no-kill vehicle. ;)

Audi A5 - Suicide / Krass - (2009) :60 SPEC

And now we have one more to join the fun, Hyundai and yet another suicidal middle-aged man in "Pipe job" this time from Innocean Worldwide Europe. Any more takers? Thank you to anon at Hushmail.

Hold up! One more suicide by car - this idea was done as far back as 1997 and the Suicide by car ad idea is officially older than dirt!

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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knob jockey's picture

Hilarious. Doesn't surprise me one bit that there isn't an original thought from Innocean. Shameless plagiarism.


Voortrekker's picture

Appalingly cast, badly directed.

AnonymousCoward's picture

ups, some one did it again!

Mark Fiddes's picture

Whomever is responsible for this should be fired.

Dabitch's picture

Suicide just doesn't seem to be the best way to sell a car...

Tom Megginson's picture

Especially when teen suicide is top-of-mind on mainstream and social media.

Josef J's picture

Es wird geschissen

잘 알려진 모방's picture

Koreans are rather famous for copying ideas.

OUTRAGED's picture

FK Hyundai and FK Citroën & FK Audi. Pack of CNTS.

Everyone in Ireland hates you now for the record

Dabitch's picture

Even worse, over at Copybot A creative posted an open letter to Innocean about her father committing suicide in a car, and how badly it hurt her to basically have to relive that experience through a TV commercial that happy ending or no, was still traumatic.

Update made a post about that here.

Hime-chan's picture

This is just sad. These businesses had to resort to displaying suicide in their ads just to show how "good" they are? Pathetic.

joelapompe's picture
Dabitch's picture