Who is that new Louis Vuitton model? It's Lightning from Final fantasy.

In what I can only describe as a stroke of genius, Louis Vuitton enlisted a leggy fit lady with rose coloured hair, and pale aqua eyes as their main muse. It's Lightning, a.k.a Claire Farron, from Final Fantasy, suddenly merging real word high fashion with video game fashion.

It's not her first modelling gig, Prada used her and other Final Fantasy characters to show off their 2012 collection.

Louis Vuitton's creative director, Nicolas Ghesquière, posted the short video (below) to his Instagram page, teasing the campaign to come. The spring collection for Louis Vuitton pulled heavily from sci-fi, manga, anime, and video games. There were nods to Sailor Moon, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and the runway lined with video screens, had a reference to Minecraft. Gamers may not be some peoples audience, but they are high fashion's audience and muse.

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claymore's picture

Where's the Louis Vuitton Mario!?

David Felton's picture

This is some Miku Hatsune level shit, right here.