Carlsberg - I get a kick out of you (1995) 0:70 (Denmark)

Man fails at everything during date-night, because he has no Carlsberg.

Saatchi and Saatchi Copenhagen.
Creative Director: Patrik Isaac
Creatives: Åsk "Dabitch" Wäppling, Lars Busekist. (Art Directors)
Director: Stein Leikanger.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Wait, YOU made this ad? I saw it in Cannes the first time I was there.

Dabitch's picture

Really? Cool. Yeah, it was shortlisted and ended up on the Cannes touring shortlist reel that year. The winner in the alcohol category was Rossi Martini Bianco with Charlize Theron - "The Pied Piper". Celebrity wins. :)