British Airways "Concorde" - "Fly the flag, fly the future" (1976) :30 (UK)

British Airways proudly presents the Concorde, for when they need to take you there, faster.

Client: British Airways
Tagline: "Fly the flag, fly the future"
Ad agency: Saatchi&Saatchi

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Robbotman's picture

I don't know if you've seen or heard about this, but people in UFO circles have somehow found outtakes of this commercial, and claim that you can see a UFO in it.

Here is the clip currently going around.

Dabitch's picture

I had not seen that new UFO rumor. The "UFO" clip is not from this ad, as you can see a lot of the ground in that clip, but the beauty shots of concorde flying in the clouds is used in the ad. This could very well found be on B-rolls shot at this time. Point being, they never aired a "UFO" in the advert.

From what I know, the maiden flight footage was used to create this commercial, and there was footage from both the ground and the air to capture the Concorde leaving the UK on this flight. I don't know if the footage was owned purely by BA or both the production company&BA, so I don't know where exactly that UFO snippit is from. One would obviously like to see the original video.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Finally, the source for the UFO ad, thank you.