Discovery channel commercials

You can now vote for your favourite Discovery ad - I'm deadlocked between "Antlers" and "Milk" - watch that squirrel!
Go here: commercials.

Which one is your favourite?

The ads were created by NiceBigBrain New York.

[via MeFi]
The commercials are also preserved here in the Adland commercial archive. 
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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Robblink's picture

I voted for Transporter. Milk Truck seems to be the leading favorite right now.

Dabitch's picture

Milk truck - "Great, now there's gonna be cats everywhere.."

deeped's picture

Antlers. Transporter was fun but Antlers was more subtile and more on to the sheep in the wolfpack-feeling...

AnonymousCoward's picture

I refuse to vote, only because bigbadassbrain or whatever they're called have a retarded website with a Bill Nye, the Science Guy-looking brain spinning and nothing more.