Edible direct mail tempts customers to tapas bar

To tempt people to resturant Tres in Gothenburg, Miami served vacuum packed Serrano ham as DM in peoples mailboxes.
"We wanted to do something different, something that made people stop and take notice, that's rather unusual in our business" says David Lyckdal restaurateur of the Spanish bar Tres. Having a slice of vacuum packed Serrano ham arriving with the mail instead of the usual "you may already be a winner.." crap, is indeed rather different. (read more to see DM piece).

"So far all our response has been postive, continues David Lyckdal, even though we've expected that vegetarians might not like the DM piece, so far no one has complained. There's been no issue with the hams durability, the ham is guaranteed to last until next march."

The ham is labelled with Tres opening hours, phone number and address, the 'headline' reads: "taste Spain" and encourages recipients to bring the barcode with them to Tres in exchange for a free tapas.

AD agency: Miami

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caffeinegoddess's picture

Well that sure is different! Nice idea.

Robblink's picture

Pretty cool...but why does it seem like a lot of European agencies are naming themselves after American locales? First, Welcome to Orange County and now Miami? Or is it me?

Dabitch's picture

Maybe it's the TV shows they're naming themselves after, Miami Vice and The O.C. ;))

Robblink's picture

Hmmm....maybe we'll soon see My Big Fat Obnoxious Ad Agency, Desperate Account Executives, CSI: Madison Avenue and So You Think You Can Art Direct....

AnonymousCoward's picture

When was this done? I remember seeing a DM piece from the UK a while back. It was for a special section about italian food in the The Guardian. Inside an envelope was an uncooked piece of white lasagne pasta with the message printed in black...

Dabitch's picture

Sorry if the news-article doesn't make it clear that this is being mailed out now, September, 2005. The pasta sounds similar but not the same (since for one, you can't eat an uncooked printed piece of pasta... Whereas you can eat this ham cooked by the resturant Tres straight out of the pack..... Not that I think anyone would. ;))

AnonymousCoward's picture

i think we've finally found a way to send food to starving children in ____;)

Andreas-Udd's picture

Jasper - do you know where we might find the Guardian one? It's a potential badlander, the edible media is certainly similar. But two TV commercials might be different even though they are both on TV.