2014 Fiat 500L - The British are coming... the Italians are coming - (2013) :60 (USA)

In a hypothetical past a supposed Paul Revere calls out that it isn't the British who are coming, but instead the Italians. Instantly the leggy ladies of the New England town turn into inventive revolutionary fashion-strippers, tearing of a skirt here, cutting off their hair there and prancing around in corsets like it's 1999. The Pub turns into a "club", the tea is exchanged for espresso, and in the end "this is gonna be so much better than a tea party".

And for all of you who reflectively want to point out an "error" at the man stepping out of his house and coat at :15, let me show you the Boston population statistics 1765–1774 and the fact that there's Italian cars driving down the road, this is clearly not American Revolutionary war times, what's wrong with you?

There are far worse sins than that here. Have you seen the 30 second edit that is the one actually airing with the puntastic endline? Direct your outrage accordingly, please.

Client: Fiat USA
Principal talent:
Annalaina Marks - Plays Brunette in Blue
Bryce Pinkham - Plays Paul Revere
Christina Gottschalk - Plays Blonde Who Cuts Hair
Prod: Supply & Demand
Director: Paul Goldman
Music : Children of the Revolution - T.Rex

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