Alltel Wirelress - Foodcourt (2006) 0:30 (USA)

See article: Sales Guys get frustrated over Alltel in new ad campaign

Agency: Campbell-Ewald

Agency: Campbell-Ewald, Warren, Mich.
Creative Director: Mark Simon, Executive Creative Director; Jim Millis, SVP Creative Director: Alltel Wireless
Art Director: Jason Fetterman
Copywriter: Mike O’Connell
Agency Producer: John Burger
Production company: Chelsea Pictures, Los Angeles, CA
Director: Evan Bernard
Director of Photography: Nicola Pecorini
Editor : Jim Ulbrich / Mad River Post, Royal Oak, MI
Music / Sound Design: JSM Music
Principle Performers: Matthew Brent, Michael Busch, Ian Gould, Scott Halberstadt

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