Gustoso destroys your Neapolitan food stereotypes.

In India there are common misconceptions about Neapolitan food. Such as Pizzas need to be thin and crispy or drenched with ketchup or Tabasco or that pasta has to be soft. BBH India found these `stereotypes based on restaurant reviews and decided to educate people about Neapolitan food, for its restaurant client Gustoso. I love me a funny headline driven campaign. Apparently they worked with chef Giulio Adriani to ensure the dishes are authentic. If I'm ever in Mumbai I want to try this place. I'll bet its good.

Client: Gustoso
Agency – BBH
CCO and Managing Partner - Russell Barrett
CEO and Managing Partner - Subhash Kamath
Creative Director - Sapna Ahluwalia
Copywriter - Yohan Daver, Shivani Krishan
Art Director - Sapna Ahluwalia, Chetan Mahajan, Rebecca Daniel, Shirin Kekre
Business Director - Anish Kotian
Sr. Business partner - Khyati Anand
Business partner - Tanya Kalia
Illustrators - James Olstein, Chetan Mahajan
Retoucher - Uday Kinloskar
Executive Producer - Stuti Guha, Rahul Kulkarni

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