Hugh Hudson parodies self in new Silverjet ad

More faces...but this time it's film director Hugh Hudson (Oscar winning Chariots of Fire) who has remade his epic British Airways spot ‘Face’ for the UK business class airline Silverjet. They are the airline that recently made that cheeky girl on girl mile-high viral too.

The original BA ads were on TV for five years in the old mass media world and watched by approximately 600 million people in 70 countries. The original spot featured a cast of thousands making up the face and the globe. The new Silverjet spot is the similar but slightly different. See the BA ad here.

As well as the other BA spot ‘Island’, Hudson is famous for directing the classic spots for Fiat ‘Handbuilt by Robots’, Courage Best ‘Gertcha’, the Benson & Hedges cigarette ‘Swimming pool’, and Cinzano “airplane”. More Silverjet spots, including a "making of" can be viewed here.

(Thanks to Damiano of RSA Films, the company who produced the new spot, for the tip.)

Director: Hugh Hudson

Production company: RSA Films

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