Lipton Ice Tea - Tokyo Hotel - (2010) :90

With a bit of a nod* to the "unexpected actor in suit dances in hotel" Fat Boy Slim/ Spike Jonze / Christopher Walken video, Hugh Jackman has a sip of ice tea and then promptly gets his groove on.

He twirls and swings showing off his Broadway musical skills, even swinging two girls on each arm, and this is supposed to sell something but I forget what. But I am thirsty for that tall glass of handsome man who can dance. That's what it's selling right? I better watch it again. I'll let you know on the 1000th viewing what I want to buy.


* not as big of a nod as the Vasakronan ad which pretty much used the Fat Boy Slim 'weapon of choice' video as their storyboard.

Agency: DDB, Paris Executive Creative Director: Nick Bell Creative Directors: Pierrette Diaz and Matthieu Elkaim Copywriters: Marc Badinant Art Director: Laurent Toth Production Company: Partizan Midi Minuit, Paris Director: Michael Gracey Choreographer: Ashley Wallen Post-Production: Mikros Image Music: "Funky Boogie" by John Ozila

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