Pacific Standard Time - Ice Cube celebrates the Eames - (2011) 2:15 (USA)

Ice Cube drives Inglewood blvd. describing the Los Angeles that he knows. He talks of landmarks like The Forum, Five Torches, Cockatoo Inn, Brolly Hut, and Watts Towers. He refers to the 110 as "Gangsta Highway". Cube says coming from South Central LA teaches you how to be resourceful. The video cuts to Cube walking the Eames House perimeter, through the Eames living room, and sitting in the Eames lounge chair. He brings us back to his NWA years when he studied architectural drafting before launching his rap career. One thing he learned that translates is to always have a plan. Cube describes the modern, green and resourceful building design of Charles and Ray Eames. Visionaries of connecting nature and structure. Cube ends by saying "Who are these people who got a problem with LA? Maybe they mad cuz they don't live here." Song during intro is "A Bird in the Hand" off of Death Certificate.

See also PST - Ice Cube Celebrates Eames

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day Los Angeles
Client: Pacific Standard Time
Executive Creative Director: Patrick O'Neill
Creative Director: Jayanta Jenkins
Sr Copywriter: Evan Brown
Copywriter: Liz Cartwright
Art Director: Stephen Lum
Executive Director of Integrated Production: Richard O'Neill
Executive Director Of Integration: Matt Bonin
Director of Innovation: Niki Weber
Director of Digital Production: Chincha Evans
Executive Producer: Guia Iacomin
Broadcast Coordinator : Micah Kawaguchi-Ailetcher
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Senior Digital Producer: Eli Shillock
UX Lead/Developer: Kathrin Hoffman
Technical Lead: John Bauer
Executive Art Producer: Karen Youngs
Print Producer: Michael Pourmohsen
Project Manager: Heather Kuhne
Audio: POP Sound

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