Procter & Gamble - COVERGIRLS NERVO: Nails - 2013 :15 (USA)

Expanding on the look of the latest print campaign from CoverGirl, Nola Pictures and Director Marcus K. Jones teamed up with Grey to create a pair of spirited and fun new spots starring Australian songwriting/DJ duo and recent Cover Girl recruits, Nervo.

Now it's "easy breezy better, Cover Girl"

See also Procter & Gamble - New COVERGIRLS NERVO: Why They Rock - 2013 :45 (United States)

Client: Procter & Gamble
Spot Titles: “New COVERGIRLS NERVO: Why They Rock” :45
Air Date: On Air

Agency: Grey Advertising
Creative(s): Alice Ericsson, Mark Fina, Beth Avellini, Michael Bengtsson
Account: Seema Patel, Ernesto James, Lisa Montana, Lindsey Kantarian
Executive Producer: Stacy Towle
Assistant Producer: Alex DeSantis
Business Manager: Debbie Haas

Production Co.: Nola Pictures
Director: Marcus K. Jones
Executive Producer: Charlie Curran
Head of Production: Cheryl Ward
Producer: Cindy Blount

Editorial: Union Editorial
Editors: Laura Milstein
Producer: Sara Mills

Post Production: Box Studios
Producer: Nadia Sadigianis

Shoot Location: New York City

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