Toyota Camry - Dad to the bone - (2014) :45 (Australia)

In the United States, the Toyota Camry is the an unexpected thrillride (and copied too), while in Australia, the Toyota Camry is the car that enables your inner bad guy™. Yes, Bad Dad to the bone is just being a jerk, he's locking his kid out of the car - oh haha - and turning up the volume when mother-inlaw is speaking. When the missus passes, he almost wet T-shirts her, before chasing her into the house. Oh I get it, the car is livsglöd, the one thing a suburb-dad gets to pretend is exciting. I mean, it's a Camry, and dad-jokes, it's not exactly showing me an exciting car here, now is it?

Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Sydney, Australia
Executive Creative Director: Damon Stapleton
Creative Director: Steve Carlin
Producer: Sarah Nicholls
Art Director: Sam Chappell
Senior Copywriter: Dan O'Connell
Executive Producer: Nick Simkins
Production: Jungleboys
Director: Scott Pickett
Sound: Rumble Studios
Agency Producer: Kate Gooden
Post production: Method Studios
Editor: Adam Wills
Managing Partner: Ben Court
Account Director: Deborah Heap
Senior Account Manager: Michael Demosthenous

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