Transport for London "Make slow cool" (2015) 1:00 (UK)

Pretty trippy spot featuring English chavs wearing rabbit and tortoise face masks who case after each other until one of them DIES. Jeez louise, way to buzzkill my evening. Couldn't you put a nice song on it to make me sing along with safety, like Dumb Ways To Die?

Client: Transport For London
Director: Sara Dunlop
Post Production: Electric Theatre
Sound Production: Jungle/LFO Sound
Composer: Alex Ball
Agency: M&C Saatchi London
Planner/CSU Director: Gaby Bell
ECD: Elspeth Lynn
Copywriter: Rob Graves-Morris / Dip Mistry
Art Director: Robert Graves-Morris / Dip Mistry
Film Producer: Bruce McKelvie

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