TVE - Scooter / Dog / Suitcase - (1989) (Spain) Grand Prix Winner

They say the dog is man's best friend ... so what happens if you have a TV for a best friend instead? This sentimental ad won the Grand Prix in Cannes in 1989. It was a different game back then.

If winning the grand prix was historic the advertising message was no less a milestone as well. The ad's message was clear: it was not desirable that children spend so much time watching television . Yet the ad aired on Spanish TV, which promoted the sharing time with friends & family instead, and to watch less TV.

See also : Contrapunto auctions off their 1989 Grand Prix Lion for charity, on Ebay

agency: Contrapunto
Toni Segarra, Maribel Muñoz, José María and Juan Mariano Lapeña Mancebo,
art direction was Melchor Palacios
producer, Luis Felipe Moreno
Account Director Mae White
Director, John Perkins

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