Yahoo Mailbox - the Purple People Greeter - (2011) 2:00 (USA)

Meet the Purple People greeter, soon spotted in a neighborhood near you! The Purple people greeter speaks, and freaks out passers by before showering them with personalized gifts - dog bones for dog owners and a lollipop that'll take seven years to eat for a little girl. We've seen talking vending machines and happiness machines delivering balloon animals and pizza before, but the guy hiding in this purple mailbox clearly had a blast interacting with passers by, which is rather contagious to watch. Directed by Erik Proulx of Lemonade (the movie) fame.

Ad agency: e2 Creative director: Corrin Arasa Director: Erik Proulx Production Company: Sanity Productions Producers: Amanda Doss, Jill Levy Director of Photography: Peter Nelson Editor: Aaron Dunkel Executive Producer: Amanda Doss

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