Don't Jump!

Well, you might have seen at least one of these ads , it's a darn good idea. Advertising on the roof of buses.. Clever. Same headline, same media, soon to be same old.

Commando - our favorite adspy spots it again.

The Guardian (uk) ran this ad eons ago, a great use of media, as an ad for their job section. It was intended to be seen by disgruntled office workers who were staring out the windows dreaming of better
jobs. A lot more ad-grunts than punters saw it however as it quickly turned into the ad grunts darling, with images of the ad popping up in Campaign and awards shows. It finalized in the American One Show awards back in 97. It was made by Legas Delanay in London.

I seem to remember the Economist running something similar back in 1994, in London as well. Anyone else have any idea of what I am talking about?

ah yes - someone does know!

Roy emails:The Economist did one back in '94 that said "Hello to our readers in high places." or something like that. Must double-check
the copy for that one, but yup, that's the ad you were meaning.

- yes thats the one, thanks for jogging my memory.

The Martin Agency, in Richmond VA, who have had a few ads here
at Badland already but as the "originals", ran this ad for, and it won the best of show at the Obies and a bronze lion in Cannes.

Art director Jamie Mahoney says "we wouldn't do work that was already done" and then adds that he came up with the concept more than a decade ago for a friends consulting business when they attached "don't jump" stickers to the windows.
I find admitting that he recycles his own ideas even more embarrassing than creating something that looks like a rip-off. ;-)) Zing!

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