GoGorilla advertise on homeless peoples signs.

Two years ago, Pizza Schmizza paid homeless street-kids to hold up pizza signs as advertising for their pizza-by-the-slice company in San Francisco. They paid the kids in pizza and a few bucks, and while some might have found it cynical to use street people as media space, others compared it to the old-fashioned sandwich board.

Just like the Sisterhood Augustinessen, who used the media space of bums backs with a twist. Mid-winter they gave out free warm overcoats to the street people with signs advertising Ben and Jerry's on the back.

Now GoGorilla, the media agency who call themselves a guerilla advertising agency, are using bums to promote their media buying tactics in New York City according to adrants and no other sources. Adrants even has a nice a picture of the stunt where a healthy looking "homeless" guy holds a sign that reads:

"I used to be a media planner at a NYC ad agency but I got fired! Why? Because our client wanted an alternative media campaign and instead of hiring GoGORILLA Media, I went with another vendor, and boy was I sorry! I haven't had a job since. Don't let this happen to you! Feel free to take a GoGORILLA Media Kit, there's no charge. Of course, any donations, no matter how small, are greatly appreciated. Have a nice day and God bless."

Previous stunts from GoGorilla around here include the case of the Traffic money advertising on actual money.

(image comes from Marc and Tom's fantastic self promotion commercial)

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caffeinegoddess's picture

Why so much copy on the GoGorilla sign? Do they really think people are going to read all that? Sheesh.