Other Cinema DVD Releases The 70s Dimension

I recently produced a DVD that would be a great find for anyone with an interest in advertising from the 70s, our time-warped tribute to that delirious decade of polyester and smiley faces.

This playful yet pensive DVD consists of two programs.

Curated by Matt McCormick and Morgan Currie, "What the 70's Really Looked Like" is a media-archaeological treasure trove of 16mm commercials, PSA's, and TV ephemera.

From the classic iconography of the Marlboro Man to the absurd pitches for Jack LaLanne's "Glamour Stretchers", this outrageously retro review of funky, clunky clips offers more than campy fun. In fact, it allows us precious insight into a lost, impossibly innocent world of fondly remembered looks, styles, and attitudes, from way back in the good ol' 20th Century.

Curated by Craig Baldwin and Noel Lawrence, "70's Remix" is an amazingly display of "recombinant" editing and audio design. Six of today's savviest celluloid scavengers take disposable industrial and educational films, and recycle them into uncanny collages, from the ridiculous to the sublime.

Watch Quicktime Trailer here

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