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So, one evening there was a lot of #copywriterwisdom doled out on twitter.
Storified by Åsk Dabitch · Fri, Dec 07 2012 21:40:29
Taglines aren't dead. Now they're headlines. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
Avoid alliteration always #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
Don't edit your work, the CD and then client will do that for you. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
Don't use clichés, they're as old as time. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
Nobody reads bodycopy, this is where you sneak in the sexual innuendo. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
Don't do puns. Even when you push the envelope full of it, it’ll still be stationery. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
Puns suck.Only two kinds of people use them. the lazy and the British. #copywriterwisdomevan
twelve headlines aren't enough. #copywriterwisdomevan
if you wrote it, read it out loud. even your most trusted art director will not read it the way you would. #copywriterwisdomevan
Exaggeration is a trillion times worse than understatement. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
write long copy as often as possible, so your art director will remember how to lay stuff out. #copywriterwisdomevan
Like a miniskirt, copy should be long enough to cover everything but short enough to be interesting #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
When you are not writing, read. A lot. When you are not reading, write. A lot. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
@dabitch And when you're not doing either of them, watch people a lot. Those insights make better copy #copywriterwisdomRamanramen
Never trust a spell chucker #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
I recently told a client that I wrote 30 headlines before I got the one in the ad. He went ahead with my recommendation. #copywriterwisdomRamanramen
Every bad headline you see is a chance to write a better one. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
Everyone who generalizes is wrong. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
New insight will catch even the most difficult client off guard. Research the hell out of everything. #copywriterwisdomJonah Otieno
Write as if you're speaking directly to one person, can you hear me in the back of the bus? #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
taking improv classes won't help your writing or your presentation. you know what will? more writing, and more presenting. #copywriterwisdomevan
will ferrell is not a catch all for comedy. find another reference for comedy. #copywriterwisdomevan
Beware of polysyllabic & sesquipedalian words they waste space. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
The active voice activates. Stay away from the passive. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
nothing is conveniently located. nothing is new. if the client or account people insist on these words, punch them. hard. #copywriterwisdomevan
Nobody doesn't like Sarah Lee but grammar nazis. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
all radio scripts 20 seconds too long or 20 seconds too short. thats why you need to time it and read it out loud. #copywriterwisdomevan
Sell it to your mother. If you can read what you wrote with a straight face to her, you can present it to anyone. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
It is wrong to ever split an infinitive: unless done boldy where no man has gone before #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
stop making up words. there are plenty of them in the dictionary you're not using. #copywriterwisdomevan
I know better than you so you should listen to me. What a load of balls #copywriterwisdomConor Flynn
Vernacular words don't travel well. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
There's a difference between rule breaking copy and ground breaking copy. Go for the latter. #copywriterwisdomJonah Otieno
Leave the manifesto writing to the unabomber. #copywriterwisdomevan
a bad art director looks for "inspiration," in CA and Archive. Bad copywriters don't look for inspiration, period. #copywriterwisdomevan
you're writing doesn't get better the drunker you are. your alcoholism development chances however, do. #copywriterwisdomevan
Don't mimic another writer's style. Find your own and see what develops #copywriterwisdomSeason Never Ends
If copywriters were actually wise they wouldn't be copywriters. #copywriterwisdomSpradley
if you won't listen to an older writer's advice, why is your library full of dead writers? #copywriterwisdomevan
Champion co-workers who make the place you work better. Let them know they're appreciated. #copywriterwisdomSeason Never Ends
writing is a lonely profession. until you present it. then everyone acts like it's theirs to mangle. #copywriterwisdomevan
Just because it's funny doesn't mean it's good. It must be relevant to an idea. #copywriterwisdomChelsea Berger
Modesty belongs in ad copy as much as it does on a nudist beach. #copywriterwisdomÅsk Dabitch
Have a clarification session with people who call headlines "copy" #copywriterwisdomSeason Never Ends