CSPI - Change the Tune - (2015) :90 (USA)

You all remember the classic Coca-Cola “Hilltop” ad from 1971, it was done as a reunion ad in 1990 and there was even a "chilltop" version in 2005. It was spoofed by 7 up in 2002, and the original Coke tune even made the charts. The original ad appeared in the series finale of Mad Men recently, prompting a new wave of interest.

"But in the years since Coke Hilltop first aired, sugary beverages have gone from being a sometimes treat to being the #1 source of calories in the American diet. As rates of obesity and type-2 diabetes continue to climb, we thought it was about time for a remix." - so says the creative team behind this effort, which took the tune from a sunny hilltop to inside the dark corridors of hospitals and changed the lyrics to "....I'd like to buy the world a drink, that doesn't cause disease. I'd like to teach the world about; what sugar did to me. Liquid calories gave her diabetes...."

Created for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, with the help of Alex Bogusky, production company Lumenati in Denver, CO, and Daughers & Howard, features real people who suffer sugar caused illnesses and doctors singing along. We even get a close-up shot of an insulin jab, ugh. It is not the first time that Mr. Bogusky has helped create an ad that critiques the corporate branding efforts he was once paid to create. In 2012 The Real Bears animated story of tooth decay obesity and erectile dysfunction, also for CPSI.

Client: Center for Science in the Public Interest
Production: Lumenati

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Adam's picture

The spoofed logos are a nice touch but did they have to film this shit with a potato?