DDB Oslo uses Snapchat to hire you. Or just take your ideas.

Hey, wanna be a superstar junior at DDB Oslo? Your chance at glory only takes ten seconds, thanks to something called The Snapchat Pitch. Simply connect with DDB Oslo on Snapchat and present your big idea in ten seconds or less. If DDB Oslo chooses you, they will fly you to Oslo and put you up in a hotel for an interview, as they are seeking a junior creative team!

DDB will look at every single entry. Yeah I should hope so. They're ten seconds long. Even if they get a hundred entries it would take less than twenty minutes.

But don't feel down if DDB Oslo doesn't choose you as the winner. They are reserving the right to use all the ideas anyway. According to DDB Oslo's terms of service:

By submitting an Entry, each entrant hereby grants to DDB Oslo a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully transferable and sub-licensable, worldwide license to use the Entry in connection with the operation of the Competition, for commercial and promotional purposes and otherwise exploit the Entry in any format and using any media without having to give any compensation or alternatives to the entrants. Such use by DDB Oslo includes, but is not limited to case videos and websites, [•].

If you're still okay with submitting, by all means. Just know there's a chance a hack might use your idea without compensation. Because terms and conditions apply!

And they wonder why young talent is turning away from advertising in droves.

Agency: DDB Oslo
Creative Directors: Finn Knudsen & Eirik Sørensen
Art Directors: Finn Knudsen, Eirik Sørensen, Even Moseng
Copywriter: Petter Gulli
Illustration & Design: Sondre Hårstad
Web designer: Torstein Raabye Haugen
Agency Producer: Cyril Boije
Animation & Editing: Per Øyvind Weum & Andreas Rustad
Project Manager: Venke Lund & Carina Llado

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