Dodge Dutch Nitro Dog ad pulled by Chrysler Group USA

In yet another classic "what works there won't work over here" story US based consumers were aghast at the Dodge Nitro ad where a poor widdle doggie is electrocuted by the car, which could be seen on youtube up until a few hours ago. But Chrysler Group in the states managed to put a stop to that. The ad was created by a Dutch agency, and walked in Ford ka's footsteps of cars killing pets. ;)

"Chrysler Group was dismayed to discover today that an advertisement created by an ad agency supporting our Netherlands Market Performance Center goes far beyond the bounds of what the company considers appropriate. The advertisement for the new Dodge Nitro, recently introduced into the market, which includes fictional yet inappropriate treatment of an animal, is in extremely bad taste.

Although European commercials — especially "viral" ads like this one — are often edgier, this one went over the edge. Chrysler Group is investigating the origins of this commercial.

We have requested the viral ad be pulled from"

Jason Vines, Vice President Communications for the Chrysler Group

Jalaponik has a copy of the ad.
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